现任职务 副教授、硕士生导师 联系方式 E-mail:delxie1985@163.com 地址:上海市普陀区中山北路3663号华东师范大学文科大楼1523室 研究方向 证据驱动的教育改革,教育改革实验评估;教研系统,教师领导,学情分析, 数学教育;元分析、因果推断设计等量化研究方法。 |  |
l.Cheung, A., Xie, C., Zhuang, T., Neitzel A., & Slavin, R. (2021). Success for All: A Quantitative Synthesis of U.S. Evaluations. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness.
2.Cheung, A.,& Xie, C.(2021). Evidence-based reform in education: Global perspectives. ECNU Review of Education.
3.Xie, C., Song, P., & Hu, H. (2020). Measuring teacher leadership in different domains of practice: Development and validation of the teacher leadership scale. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher.
4.Xie, C. (2020). What China can learn from evidence-based educational reform? A comparative review of educational technology programs’ effects on mathematics achievement. ECNU Review of Education.
5.Xie, C., Cheung, A., Lau, W. F., & Slavin, R. (2020). The Effects of Computer-Assisted Instruction on Mathematics Achievement in Mainland China: A Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Educational Research.
6.Yin, H. B., Xie, C.,Wang, M., & Hu, H. (2020). Demystifying and sustaining the resilience of teacher educators: The perspectives of teaching research officers in China. Asia Pacific Education Review.
7.Xie, C., & Ma, Y. (2019). The mediating role of cultural capital in the relationship between socioeconomic status and student achievement in 14 economies. British Educational Research Journal.
8.Corcoran, R., O’Flaherty, J., Xie, C., & Cheung, A. C. (2019). Conceptualizing and measuring social and emotional learning: A systematic review and meta-analysis of moral reasoning and academic ability, religiosity, political orientation, personality. Educational Research Review.
9.Xie, C., Wang, M., & Hu, H. (2018). Effects of constructivist and transmission instructional models on mathematics achievement in mainland China: A meta-analysis. Frontiers in Psychology.
l0.Corcoran, R., Cheung, A., Kim, E., & Xie, C. (2018). Effective universal school-based social and emotional learning programs for improving academic achievement: A systematic review and meta-analysis of 50 years of research. Educational Research Review.
11.谢晨,尹弘飚.(2021). 教研工作质量与教研发展均衡的比较研究——基于全国30省代表性样本的实证分析. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版).
12.庄腾腾,谢晨.(2018). 我国中小学生技术素养测评工具设计探析——基于国际科学与技术素养测评框架. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版).
13.谢晨,胡惠闵.(2015). 学情分析中“学情”的理解. 全球教育展望.