ZHANG Dan(张丹) Institute of International and Comparative Education |  |
Research Field
French Educational Reform and Policy Studies
School Gender issues and Qualitative Research Methods
International comparative research on educational performance and social inequality
Ph.D. École Normale Supérieure de Lyon (2009-2013), major in Sociology in Center of Max Weber
Ph.D. East China Normal University (2009- 2014), major in Education Policy Studies
Visiting research student University of California, Berkeley (2011/02-05), Policy, Organization, Measurement, and Evaluation
M. A. East China Normal University ( 2006-2009) , Education Policy Studies
Bachelor of laws, ShenYang Normal University (2002-2006), Education of Ideology and Politics
Professional Expericence
Researcher Join in the international conference “1er Congrès Études de Genre en France”, presentation named “Le genre à l’école en Chine : representation et pratiques des enseignants à l’école primaire. L’exemple de Shanghai.” In septembre, 2014. Organized by L’institut du Genre, Science Po. Triangle UMR5206, CNRS et ENS de LYON.
A member in the Research team in the program: The Century of Human Capitals: Review the Development of American Human Resources in 20th Century, Chief Investigator: Yugui Guo, 985 project Professor at Beijing Normal University, Program Sponsor : Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People’s Republic of China, 2012-2014.
A research member in the program of “The relationship between the International Organization and the Chinese children’s Educational Right Protecting”, organized by the Ministry of Education, P. R. China in 2011.
Researcher Join in the international conference “La sociologie de l’éducation et lesRecompositions de L’Etat—à l’heure de la globalisation et de la construction européenne”, organized by Jean-Louis Derouet Institut National De Recherche Pédagogique(France), in 2011
Researcher in the program of “The Research for the System of Supervising and Evaluation during the process of Elementary and Secondary Education Policy Performing”, which was conducted by Professor Fan Guorui and supported by the Ministry of Education in China in 2010.
Coordinator for the academic cooperation in educational policy studies between ECNU and INRP in 2009-2012.
2008/10 The Experience and Reflection of Cuba’s Education Reform ,Studies in Foreign Education,Vol.35 General No.220,83-86
2011/11 Better orientation, Better accompaniment and Better preparation-------The Introducation and Review of Educational Reform in New French High Schools, Global Education,Vol.11.42-49.
2013/10 Struggling Forward : Concepts, Policies, and Values of School Choice from the United States”. Global Education. Vol.42. No.10, 2013. 76-85.
2014/04 Differential Teacher Attention to Boys and Girls during Interaction in Class, Educational Research, No.4, 2014. 122-128.
2009 How the nation views public schools, edited by Fan Guorui, Liutao, Wangjiajia, Beijing, Education Science Publishing House.
2013 Tao Liu, Xiuping Zhou, Dan Zhang, translated, Joseph P. Viteritti. The Federal Role in School Reform: Obama’s “Race to the Top”, Notre Dame Law Review, Vol. 86, (2012), Chinese version of the paper in Guorui Fan edited Education Policay Observatory(the fourth volume),East China Normal University Press, 2013.
2014 Zhangdan. “Le genre à l’école en Chine : representation et pratiques des enseignants à l’école primaire. L’exemple de Shanghai.” Editions Européennes Universitaire.
2011/08 “The methods of Education Policy Analysis”, in Education Policy: Theory and Practice, edited by Fan Guorui, Shanghai: Shanghai Educational Press.