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LIU Deen(刘德恩)
             Institute of International and Comparative Education 



 Work Experience
 A. Full-time and part-time jobs:
 Associate professor of Vocational and Technical Education Institute of ECNU since 2002.
 Lecturer of ECNU since 1996.
 Part-time and volunteer jobs since 1996: vocational school teacher, career counselor for vocational and university students and employees, coach of career counselors in education institutions, assistant director general of Zhabei local education administration office.
 B. Some projects finished:
 Career Development of Teachers, supported by a Vocational school in 2008.
 Career Management of Employees, supported by a company of electricity power in 2006 and by a Shipping company in 2007.
 Development of Career Planning Course Based on Self-experience, supported by China Ministry of Education in 2006
 Development of Career Management System for College and Vocational and technical students, supported by Shanghai Planning office of Humanities and Social Science in 2005.
 Career Education and Counseling in Education Institutions, supported by the School of education sciences, East China Normal University in 2002.
 Learning Experience

 Visiting scholar of Faculty of Education,UBC, Canada, Jun.28th, 2009 –Jan.10th,2010.
 Ph.D. in Education from ECNU in 2004.
 Visiting scholar in Kobe University in Japan from September of 2003 to August of 2004.
 Master degree of vocational and technical education from ECNU in 1996.
 Bachelor degree of history from Anhui Normal University in 1993.
 Studied preparing for an elementary school teacher in Fuyang Normal School, in Anhui Province from 1986 to 1989.
 A. Books
 Preparing for the Job in Advance, East China Normal University Press, 2009, 2012.
 Strategies of employment: Students’ guide and teachers’ Handbook. Shanghai: East China Normal University Press, 2008, 2009.
 Career Planning. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press,2006.
 Education and Life of Employees in Minguo Period:An oral history study. A doctor degree dissertation of East China Normal University. 2004.
 Psychology of Vocational Education. Shanghai: East China Normal University Press, 2001.
 B. Some of Scholarly Articles
 Growing up with organization: Learning and development of traders. In Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Researching Work and Learning. East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, December 4-7, 2011. p.1038-1048
 Social Circle and Career Development of a Vocational Teacher: A Qualitative Study. In Proceedings of the 9th international Conference of the Academy of HRD (Asia Chapter).Shanghai, China.Nov.11-14, 2010.
 Experiential Learning in Career Planning Courses: an Exploratory Study. In Journal of Schooling Studies. Issue 1, 2011.
 A Study on Tradition of Chinese Folk Education. In Ding Gang (Ed.) Between Actuality and History: Research on the Tradition of China Education. Beijing: Education Sciences Press, 2002.
 Career and Education in Modern Shanghai: An oral History. Beijing: Chinese Education – Research and Review. Issue 7, 2004.
 A Field Study on Occupational Culture in Japan. Zhengzhou: Journal of Henan Vocational and Technical Teacher College, June 28th, Issue 3, 2004.
 Survey and Advice of Nurse Education in China. Lanzhou: Journal of Lanzhou Technical College. Issue 1,2002.
 An Examination of Vocational Education of China. Journal of Luohe Technical College. Issue 1, 2002.
 A Study on Open-door policy of Education and Development in Shanghai: 1978-1998. Beijing: Chinese Education: Research and Review. Issue 1, 2001.
 On the Feature of Curriculum in Higher Technical education. Vocational and Technical Education. Issue 16, 2001.
 What are demanded from Higher Technical education, Vocational Education Forum, No.10, 2001.
 Fostering Enterpriseship: a New Mission of Education in China. Journal of International Education. Issue 4, 2000.
 On Vocational and Technical Schools' Culture. Vocational and Technical Education. Issue 9,2000.
 An Analysis of the Theories on Motor Learning. Journal of East China Normal University (On education sciences). Issue 4, 1999.
 Exploring Experiential Career Education. Journal of Schooling Studies. Vol.8, No.1. Feb.2011.
 Career Education and Counseling
 Career planning
 Job Analysis
 Psychology of Vocational Education
 Psychology of Education
 Introduction of Vocational and Technical Education