PENG Zhengmei(彭正梅) Professor Director of Institute of International and Comparative Education |  |
Main Research Areas and Teachings
Comparative Education
Education in Germany
Education and Politics
Comparative Moral Education and Citizenship Education
Edcuational Reforms and Trends
Philosophy of Education
Educational classics
Theory of Knowledge and Curriculum
Curriculum and Classroom
Ph.D (Comparative Education), East China Normal University, 1999
Master of Arts (Comparative Education), East China Normal University, 1996
Bachelor of Arts (Chemistry), Anhui Normal University,1993
Professional Experience
Visiting Scholar
College of Education of Lehigh University, Penn. U.S.A. (December, 2013 - September,2014 )
Berlin, Germany. (November, 2007 – October, 2008, Alexander Von Humbodt Scholarship).
Professor & Executive Director
Institute of International and Comparative Education
East China Normal University, China (December, 2010 - present).
Visiting Scholar
Faculty of Education in Humboldt University
Berlin, Germany. (November, 2007 – October, 2008, Alexander Von Humbodt Scholarship).
Associate Professor
Institute of International and Comparative Education
East China Normal University, China (August, 2002 - November,2010 ).
Department of Education of China Embassy in Germany(April,2000 - June,2002)
Selected Publications
Dietrich Benner /Alexander von Oettingen /Zhengmei PENG / Dariusz Stępkowski(2015).Bildung – Moral – Demokratie:Theorien und Konzepte moralischer Erziehung und Bildung und ihre Beziehungen zu Ethik und Politik. Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh - Paderborn
Zhengmei PENG etc (2015). Bildung und Continued Transformation of Experiences: On the Educational Theories in Germany and U.S.A. University Press of East China Normal University.
Zhengmei PENG etc (2015). Borrowings and Reflections: The global Educational Reforms and the Explorations of the Chinese Educational Traditions. Fujian Education Press.
Zhengmei PENG (2011). A History of Pedagogies in Germany: From Enlightenment to Contemporary, Beijing Uni. Press.
Zhengmei PENG (2010). A Historical Exploration of Philosophies of Modern Western Education, Shanghai Education Press.
Zhengmei PENG (2008). Education and Emancipation: A Study of Critical Pedagogies in Germany, University Press of East China Normal University.
2.Refereed Journal Articles
Zhengmei PENG (2011). A Study of the Negative Experiences in Learning, Journal of Anhui Normal University for Humanities, 1:76-80.
Zhengmei PENG (2010). The Pradoxies in Modern Education and the Educational Crises in Its Persperktive, Global Education,9:32-38.
Zhengmei PENG (2010). How be foreced to Freedom: A Study of Herbart’s Article of “ the aesthetic revelation of the World as the main task of Education”, Basic Education,10:3-8.
Zhengmei PENG (2010). Towards to Rational Autonomy: The Basic Principle of Modern Western Education, Foreign Education,2:42-47.
Zhengmei PENG (2009). Noble Illusion: A historical Study of Educational Ideas. Global Education,7:33-40.
Zhengmei PENG (2009). The Cunning of Reason: The Five Crises and Their Responses of the Development of Pedagogies in Germany, Journal of East China Normal University for Educational Sciences,4:16-23.
Zhengmei PENG(trans) (2015). John Hattie: Visible Learning
Zhengmei PENG(trans) (2011). John Stuart Mill: On Liberty, Shanghai People Press.
Zhengmei PENG(trans) (2011). Randall Curren ed.:A companion to the philosophy of education (published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2003), The Press of East China Normal University.
Zhengmei Peng(ed. and Trans.)John Dewey (2009). Democracy, Experiences and Education: The educational Works of John Dewey,Shanghai People Press.
Zhengmei PENG etc.(trans. From German to Chinese) (2006) Dietrich Benner:General Pedagogy, The Press of East China Normal University.
Zhengmei PENG etc.(trans. From German to Chinese) (2008).Wolfgang Brezinka: Belief, Moral and Education, the Press of East China Normal University.
Research and Grants
1.A Research of Western Modern Philosophy of Education (2004),Funded by East China Normal University.
2. Back to the Self-logic of Education: A Research of Basic Ideas of Western Modern Education(2009), Funded by Shanghai Government.
3.From Lively Garden to Strict School: A Research of the Relationship between Institutional School and Social Lives (2010), Funded by the Ministry of Education.
4.Values Education in Open and Pluralistic Society. A Study of Moral Education in Contempary Germany(2010). Funded by the Shanghai Government.