大夏讲坛第230场 大夏讲坛是华东师大人文社科领域最高级别的高水平学术论坛。此次大夏讲坛,比较所特邀美国斯坦福大学伊比利亚和拉丁美洲文化教授Joan Ramon Resina分享精彩报告。
欢迎感兴趣的老师和同学扫描文末的二维码进行线上报名! The Crisis of the Hiumanities as a Crisis of Humanism 9月19日(周四)下午13:30-15:30 华东师范大学普陀校区 Joan Ramon Resina 美国斯坦福大学伊比利亚和拉丁美洲文化学院教授,比较文学教授,伊比利亚研究项目主任 Current generations are experiencing a sense of crisis as had not been felt for a century. But unlike the geopolitical tensions of the interwar period, today’s crisis is manifold. In the past, common wisdom dictated a return to the lost virtues. The contemporary world is out of joint, and the experience of displacement affects fundamental life categories, such as the security of home, understood both spatially, as the place one belongs to, and temporally, as the time of freedom, which modernity identified with the future. But the future now seems to evaporate or, what is the same, to run off into meaningless dilation.The twenty-first century’s assault on old-world structures and the rise of the network society have induced unprecedented cultural obsolescence. And nothing has been so displaced from the core of modern education as the humanities, which have been uprooted from their foundation in the classics.